We wanted to get in touch to let you know that you can now buy our venison direct from farm. Our new brand and website are currently a work in progress (www.venisoncompany.co.uk), but in the meantime we wanted to let you know that our venison is available and can be delivered direct to you door over the next few days.
A little bit about our venison; 100% British venison from our red deer reared in the Lincolnshire Wolds, grazed freely and fed on a natural balanced diet. A true farm to fork product, our venison has no food miles (until we deliver it to you), is farm assured and we have the stamp of approval from the FSA. A sustainable healthy protein source and we pride ourselves on the provenance!
I have attached our pricelist, we will have limited stock so it’s on first come first serve basis. We can deliver for free to any Walesby residents. To place an order either drop us an email at hello@venisoncompany.co.uk or go onto our website and select collect when asked delivery preference (don’t worry you don’t need to collect we will get in touch to ask your address and deliver to you).
Any questions please let us know, we will be more than happy to help. As a small brand just starting out on this venture we really appreciate your support 😊
Owmby Cliff Offices, Owmby By Spital, Market Rasen, LN8 2AD 01673 878686
2nd July 2024.
For those who are unaware, the reason that the vegetation around the Village Hall is looking so dead is because it has been treated with a herbicide. The plan is that once all the weeds and unwanted plants have been killed and removed, later in the year the grounds will be replanted with fresh plants of a more suitable nature.
2nd July 2024.
From Lynette Edwards.
Good morning everyone,
I am pleased to report that the Lyndhurst Singers sang beautifully on Saturday evening (29th) to a very appreciative audience- a most enjoyable evening.
Ticket sales/donations amounted to £338 in total, half of which has been kindly given to the Rambler’s Church.
Many thanks indeed to everyone who helped in preparing for the event and making it such a successful one.
Lynette x
18th June 2024.
From Trish Braithwaite.
I am delighted to let you all know that, despite a cold and fairly miserable day, the recent Craft Fayre and Plant Stall between them raised just over one thousand pounds towards the upkeep of the Old Church. As always many thanks are due so I will try to make sure that I remember everyone – but please forgive me if I miss anyone out.
As far as the Craft Fayre is concerned, big thanks are firstly due to Carol Magrin for her very hard work organising and overseeing the whole event (and for growing and selling in advance her tomato plants!). Many thanks also to those that baked, to those that gave their time to sell the refreshments and cakes, to those who gave their costs from the crafts and pickles and jams and to all who came along to support the Event. It seemed that everyone enjoyed it and nearly £350 was raised in the Hall.
Meanwhile, regarding the Plant Stall, big thanks are due firstly to Paul and Jo Day for allowing us to use their drive as before – it really is an ideal position for it and people now know to find it there. Then to Jo Day, Jeanette Ashton, Janet Cotterell and again Carol Magrin for their work throughout the year in planning the Stall, growing plants for it and working on how best to recruit others to grow for us. I hope the number and quality of the plants we sell is an indication of their hard work.
Thanks are also due to Paul Day and Paul Edwards for undertaking the “heavy weight work” needed, to our helpers on the day for their stints of selling and to all those who came along to buy from and support us and/or donated plants for sale. Janet also is to be thanked for selling some of the leftover plants from her drive and the money raised there showed that the effort was worthwhile.
I hope that everyone involved on the day enjoyed themselves and thank you to you all.
24th March 2024.
From Merilyn Combes:
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Kate Stickland a week ago. Kate had lived in Walesby for over 40 years in her bungalow on ‘the island’ and she with her husband, Hugh, were great ‘movers and shakers’ in the village, keen members of the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust and all things to do with preserving our planet and countryside. Kate was fiercely independent, still wanting to know everything that was going on and only needed the extra care of The Poplars for a week before she died. She had been so well supported by her friends and neighbours in this village. Kate would have been 95 years old this week…….and still completing the Times crossword!
18th December 2023.
The church has decided to hold the annual Food Bank Collection in January this year rather than December. A great deal goes on before Christmas and maybe January is a time when people struggle even more. Therefore, we will place the collection boxes in the church porch for you to leave your donations, shortly after Christmas and all through January.
We know that the Salvation Army in Market Rasen will welcome our donations at this rather quieter time of the year.
Thank you to you all.
Merilyn on behalf of everyone at St Mary’s.
28th October 2023.
From Carol Magrin.
Today’s Fayre was a big success; thanks to all who made cakes, scones and cookies, people who covered the plant and cake stall and all the amazing helpers who were busy serving refreshments. The ones who stayed behind to help clear up are troopers.
A huge thank you to you all, Trish will let us know how much we made for The Old Church when she gets back.
I also have to thank all of you who supported us by buying from the various stalls. The stall holders said that they had a lovely day and were kept busy the whole time.
15th September 2023.
A message from Tanz Norgrove:
Fix My Street app is available for anyone to report potholes, flooding drains etc. If you are able to download it it will pinpoint the location, enable photos to be taken and provide updates if contact details are given. The more people that report these problem the better. The Parish Council will continue to report any we are aware of and monitor all reports to see action is taken.
Any help improving and keeping our roads safe is appreciated.
Walesby Parish Council
(From Joe: The above link is also on the ‘Useful Information’ page on this website. There are quite a few interesting links there!)
31st August 2023.
From Carol and Hilary:
We have had a lot of interest in our craft group so we plan to start on Wednesday the 6th of September from 1.15 to 3.15 in the village hall. The fee will be just £3 to cover coffee/tea and biscuits or cake.
It really doesn’t matter what craft you do, please join us for this social occasion. Even if you don’t have a craft but would like to come along for the company then you will be made welcome.
The plan is to meet up every Wednesday afternoon and we will see how it goes. Let us hope that it becomes popular and is a permanent fixture in the village. We also have some ideas for classes in the future so we can chat about that on Wednesday the 6th.
24th August 2023.
From Carol Magrin.
There is an idea about starting a mixed craft group on a Wednesday afternoon in the village hall. Everyone is welcome whether you knit, crochet, draw, paint, embroider or anything else.
This will not be tutor led but will be more of a social occasion for like minded people to get together for a chat, work on their own craft and have a cup of tea/coffee and biscuits. I have joined such a group in Market Rasen and it is a great success.
Even if you don’t have a craft but would like to come along for the company you would be very welcome.
It would initially run from 1.15pm to 3.15pm and then we can see how it goes for the future.
The charge would be £3 per session to cover drinks and snacks.
If you are interested get in touch with me – carol@magrin.co.uk or Hilary Warmoth – hnwarmoth@yahoo.co.uk
I do hope you can join us.
17th August 2023.
From David Thurman:
The God’s Acre Group was formed some 6,7 years ago to tend All Saints (The Old Church) churchyard.
The theory was that out of all land in England the only fields not treated with pesticides and herbicides were churchyards which became known as God’s acres. Such God’s acres therefore would retain wild flowers and would support wildlife.
All Saints churchyard is therefore tended with that in mind. There are paths and amenity areas that are mown short regularly Other areas that support nature are left long after an initial cut; they tend to be strimmed after wild flowers have seeded. Amongst all this activity we also try to eradicate powerful weeds like hogweed.
Our program therefore is one of mowing, strimming, raking and clearing – all done by volunteers. We own the necessary mower, strimmers, rakes and wheelbarrows.
I keep a list of volunteers upon whom I call if we need work doing. Work sessions are generally 1-2 hours every 2-3 weeks during the season.
Our list of volunteers could do with a boost – so please let me know if you want to help and be added to the list. There is no commitment and generally there are not that many work sessions in a year.
And if you would like to start now we have been strimming recently and there are a lot of strimmings needing raking up and barrowing to the compost heap under the chestnut tree.
David Thurman ( email david.thurman@btinternet.com )
7th April 2023.
From Trish Braithwaite — 100 Club and the Village Hall
The last draw of the 2022-2023 100 Club has been made and Ivan Brown and Michael Slunker are the lucky winners. Congratulations to them both!
So, for the cost of only £1 per month per person, it is now time to invite all existing members and any interested new members to join for the 2023-2024 year. The 100 Club is our fun small lottery and one of the main sources of income for the Village Hall. It helps keep it open and well maintained and available for you all to use. We hope that most of our existing members will want to re-join and know that there will be numbers available for any new residents.
Payments can be made in cash, by cheque or through online banking for which our details are as follows: The Walesby Village Hall — 30-96-26 — 68102368
Cash or cheques can be posted through the inner letterbox of Blaven, Walesby Hill
Please let Trish Braithwaite know by email, phone or text how you plan to pay -her details are as follows: trishbraithwaite@outlook.com — 01673 838352 — 07768684588
If you are unable to get to Blaven, then please also let her know if you would like her to call and collect your money.
Thank you.
6th March 2023.
From Trevor Rudolph.
Due to the generosity of Several Walesby Residents we raised, in a very short space of time, sufficient funds to enable the Purchase of the Latest Zoll 3 Automatic Defibrillator complete with carry case and a replacement Key coded heated cabinet.
I commissioned the Defibrillator on Sunday 5th March. The cabinet has been installed exactly where the old cabinet was.
Therefore, I am pleased to announce, the Defibrillator is now up and running.
A Big thank you to all concerned in achieving this goal.
For more information please contact:
Trevor Rudolph. (01673 838809) Old Joiners Cottage, Walesby Hill
25th February 2023.
From David Thurman:
Data Analysis Speed Indicator Device
Dave Norgrove set up a 6 week trial with the device – 2 weeks on each major road into the village.
We wanted to see how results compared.
Paul Day has analysed the data and prepared the attached spreadsheet and graphs.
Initially it became clear that Walesby Hill had the most speeders. It is also clear that using the 85th percentile we would not have a case for a 20mph limit. That percentile is what the authorities use to set limits.
It does seem however that the device is slowing most drivers down and achieving our objective.
We will continue to analyse the data it provides but would welcome any comments as to how we use it and its effectiveness.
David Thurman, Walesby Parish Council
A Tabulated Summary of the Speed Camera Data for Moor Road, Rasen Road & Walesby Hill is attached here:
16th February 2023.
From Trish Braithwaite (on behalf of the Village Hall committee):
I’m pleased to report that, thanks to a lovely morning, we had a very busy turnout for our 3rd Coffee Morning and everyone who came appeared to have an enjoyable time. We were able to transport to the Hall some of our older residents and they in particular enjoyed the opportunity to socialize with friends old and new.
Having now had three successful mornings, we plan to make the Coffee Mornings a regular event so please put Saturday March 11th in your diaries and come along and join us then.
And, if you have any comments to make, good or bad, about the mornings or if you feel that we need to provide for particular needs then please let us know by texting, ringing or emailing Trish Braithwaite on 07768684588 / 01673 838352 / trishbraithwaite@outlook.com.
Your comments will all be welcome.
Thank you.
26th January 2023.
From Trevor Rudolph:
Please be advised, I now have a date for delivery of Defibrillator Awareness Training. It will be Provided by LIVES on Tuesday 7th March in the Village Hall, from 09:00 – 11:00. Subject to the Village Hall being available and that we have sufficient number of persons wishing to receive the Training. A minimum of 6 persons are required to attend, up to a maximum of 12.
As previously informed the Parish Council will fund 6 places. It was hoped with the Pledges given there would have been some excess funds from the Community Defibrillator Fund Raising to cover 3 more places. Sadly, that is no longer the case.
For anyone wishing to fund their own place on the training course, the cost is £35.00 + VAT per person.
For more information please contact:
Trevor Rudolph. (01673 838809)
Old Joiners Cottage,
Walesby Hill
20th January 2023.
A message from Trish Braithwaite on behalf of the Village Hall committee:
Despite illness and a poor weather forecast, a good number of people enjoyed our second Coffee Morning at the Village Hall. Sue Haddock once again treated us to some very tasty cakes with her Coffee and Walnut cake being a firm favourite and her fresh cream Apple Turnovers being in my opinion ” to die for”. She is already thinking of other cakes to try and remains open to suggestions of your favourites.
So please note in your diaries that our next Coffee Morning will be on Saturday 11 February and let us know asap if there are favourites that you’d like Sue to bake. We look forward to seeing you there.
18th January 2023.
A message from Trevor Rudolph:
To The Good People Of Walesby.
As we are all aware the East Midlands Ambulance Service,(EMAS), along with most Ambulance Services throughout the Country, are in Crisis.
Response times could be much longer than we would normally expect.
With that in mind, I would like Residents of Walesby to know that in the event of a Medical Emergency, the first point of call would be ”999” for an Ambulance. In addition please feel free to call on my Medical Services (Day or Night) to aid anyone whilst awaiting arrival of Ambulance Crews.
For those that don’t know, I was the Local First Responder for Lincolnshire Integrated Volunteer Emergency Service, (LIVES), as Partner to EMAS for some years. Due to, thankfully, the healthy demeaner of our residents at the time, Emergency Medical calls were very rare. LIVES made a decision that Our Medical Equipment could be put to better use at another location away from Walesby. Had the situation changed the Equipment would have come back to us.
This offer of help is in no way intended to distract from the Normal Process of summoning Emergency Medical Care. It is just reassurance that I am here if needed.
For more information please contact:
Trevor Rudolph. (01673 838809)
Old Joiners Cottage,
Walesby Hill
14th January 2023.
A message from Trevor Rudolph:
Pledges have been amazing and thankyou to those who have Pledged.
I am now in possession of the Zoll 3 AED and the Purpose made Carry Case. The New Cabinet will be arriving in the next 5 – 7 working days.
Prior to the Zoll 3 going live, I am in communication with Lincolnshire Integrated Voluntary Emergency Service (LIVES) who can provide awareness training on the Zoll 3. It will be a 2hr training session, held at the Village Hall. Date to be finalised once we know who would like to take part.
Unfortunately there will be a cost involved for the training. LIVES charge £35.00 +VAT per person, they require a minimum of 6 persons and maximum of 12.
If all pledges for the Defibrillator are honoured there will be an excess of £131.00 (3 places), which could be donated toward the Training. In addition the Parish Council have offered to fund six training places.
Training places would have to be on a first come first served basis unless anyone would like to fund their own training.
For more information please contact:
Trevor Rudolph. (01673 838809)
Old Joiners Cottage,
Walesby Hill
20th December 2022.
A message from Trevor Rudolph.
To The Good People Of Walesby.
For those of you who were not aware, several years ago, my wife Judi did the Moon Walk in aid of Breast Cancer alongside a Fund-Raising event for the Purchase of the “Community Defibrillator” sited in the Village Hall car park.
Judi’s efforts were well rewarded by Family/Friends and of course the residents of Walesby. So much so, that there were sufficient funds after the purchase of the Defibrillator/Heated Cabinet/Installation, to fund expired Electro Pads and Battery Packs.
I am the Guardian of the Defibrillator, Servicing/Maintaining and informing the Authorities, (East Midlands Ambulance Service), (“The Circuit” National Defibrillator Network), that it was available for Emergency Use.
As I stated the purchase was several years back.
Technology has moved on and I have now been informed by the Manufacturers that OUR model of Defibrillator has been discontinued, therefore it is unlikely that spares will be readily available and due to a World shortage even the Battery Pack/Electro Pads are on back order. Our Pads/Battery Pack are due for replacement early next year and it could take several months before they become available again. The result could mean Our Defibrillator not being available for immediate use.
The implications could be far reaching. Therefore, I am Proposing a Fundraising Effort to Purchase a Replacement Community Defibrillator. Obviously, the Purchase Price for a New Defibrillator has increased over the years. Previously (2016) we paid £900 for Our Lifepak CR Plus.
As some of you know I am in the Emergency Medical First Responder business (Private Sector) and am in a position to negotiate competitive deals on Defibrillators.
I have recently ordered some new Zoll 3 Defibrillators for my business and took the opportunity to secure a deal on a Fully Automatic Zoll 3 which would be a perfect replacement for Our existing Defibrillator, for reasons mentioned earlier. It comes in at £1332.00. (Normally around the £1700.00 mark).
The benefits of this replacement are: Latest Technology, Fully Automatic Operation, 5 Year Expiry Battery Pack & Electro Pads, Pads that can be used for Children, Memory Stick download of when used, giving Vital Information to responding Ambulance Crews/A&E Doctors.
Judi & I will Start the Donations Off by Pledging £332.00.
For more information please contact: Trevor Rudolph. (01673 838809) Old Joiners Cottage, Walesby Hill
16th December 2022.
There has been some very sad news that Bill Bates died earlier this week.
He was a very long time resident of Walesby who moved from Walesby into a bungalow in Market Rasen a couple of years ago due to ill heath, but he still used to visit village hall functions whenever he could.
He was a really lovely warm and generous Walesbyite, so I would like to share a brief anecdote about him:
After he moved to Rasen, Carol and I would visit him about once a fortnight (OK, Carol more than me) but we would speak to him on the phone every week.
We hadn’t been able to visit him this last few weeks or so as we had to isolate prior to Carol’s big operation at the beginning of this month.
Bill rang a us a couple of weeks ago and said ‘I’ve got bowel cancer but there’s now’t that can be done about it, so don’t bother about that, how is Carol getting on?’
That is a good example of what a great selfless character he was.
May he rest in peace.
Bill’s funeral will be at Lincoln Crematorium sometime in January, and after that there will be a memorial service at St Mary’s church followed by a get together at Walesby Village Hall.
Dates will be posted later when more is known.
15th December 2022.
A message from Trish Braithwaite:
I’m delighted to be able to tell you that the collection from our magical Candlelight Carol Service came to £501.50 and that £337.50 of that was Gift-Aided guaranteeing us a further £90 plus from the Government.
We have since been given a further two very generous donations totalling £150 so we have a substantial sum to help with our ongoing maintenance of the Old Church.
Thank to all those who attended and contributed and we hope to see many more there next year when there will not be a World Cup to keep people away! Happy Christmas to you all 🌲🌲🌲🌲
13th December 2022.
A message from Merilyn Combes:
Thank you to everyone who has already so generously donated to the village Food Bank in St Mary’s Church porch. We will continue to collect donations throughout December and deliver them to the Salvation Army in Market Rasen who are delighted to receive them in order to help address the need in our community. The first delivery will be arriving with them this week.
2nd December 2022.
From David Thurman.
Speed Indicator Device
Our device is up and working well on Moor Road.
It comes with powerful analytical software which could be very useful for us- differentiating between the patterns on our main three roads, telling us how many people speed and at what speed and at what time. It may even be useful in helping to build a case for a lower limit.
We are still assessing this wealth of info and graphs. The basic data is one trigger, at a certain speed, at a certain time. Starting with that one piece it is possible to build up statistics for a day, a week, a month etc.
Obviously behind all this is our desire to make the village safer.
We wondered if there was a person in the village who loved building statistics, graphs , spreadsheets who could help by manipulating the data sets down loaded off the device.
If you are keen to help contact me.
David Thurman, Parish Council
29th November 2022.
Once again, St Mary’s Church will have a Food Bank Collection point throughout December in the porch of St Mary’s Church and would like to invite everyone who wishes, to leave their contributions in the boxes provided. Your donations, which will be gratefully accepted by the Market Rasen branch of the Salvation Army, will be taken to them at regular intervals throughout the month.
Your generosity over recent years, has been amazing and we know that it has helped those in need in the community. We hope you will feel you would like to do the same this year.
Thank you – and please pass this message on to those villagers who may not have access to this website.
20th November 2022.

9th November 2022.
It has been clear from the good attendance and the many messages of thanks on the Wonderful Walesby What’s App Group that our first Coffee Morning on Saturday was a great success. We achieved our aim of bringing together both old and new residents. Our new and newer residents were able to be introduced to many and some of our older, less mobile residents were brought to the hall and were clearly delighted to be back in company. It would have been lovely to see more younger residents there and we were equipped with child-friendly drinks but had no cause to use them. Maybe next time, although of course we recognise that Saturday is a busy day for those of you who work.
Thank you to all who came and Yes, there will be a next time. We are unlikely to find a Saturday morning in December with a Race Night, the Candlelit Carol Service and of course Christmas coming up but will announce a date in January to cheer us all up after the festivities have finished.
Many of the tasty cakes on Saturday were made for us by Sue Haddock and she is happy to bake for us again. She is keen to know what people particularly enjoyed and whether there were cakes missing that you would really like to try. So please let us know and then come along and join us next time and be sure of a warm welcome.
Trish Braithwaite on behalf of Walesby Village Hall Committee
29th June 2022.
From Trish Braithwaite.
It has taken a little while to complete our sales but I am happy to now tell you that, thanks to several after-sales, the Plant Stall has raised £573-50 for The Friends of the Old Church. The Cakes and Refreshments sold at the Craft Fayre raised between them a further £202-50 so our overall total raised is a marvellous £776-00.
Many, many thanks are due. For the Plant Stall, firstly to Jeanette Ashton, Jo Day and Carol Magrin who both grew plants and worked with me to plan and organise the event; to all those others who grew and provided plants for the stall without which the event would not be possible; to Jo and Paul Day for again allowing us to use their driveway and for dealing with many after-sales; to all of our willing helpers on May 28th who braved a rather chilly day to stand at the stall and encourage people to buy; to Judith Sweney and David Milles for allowing us to make further sales at their Jubilee Weekend Open Garden; and of course to all those who came to buy plants ensuring our success.
For the Cakes and Refreshments, firstly a big thank you is again due to Carol Magrin for inviting the Friends to run stalls at the Craft Fayre and for ensuring both were set up successfully alongside baking and running her own stall. Grateful thanks are then due to all those who baked and donated cakes, scones and biscuits for the event; to the willing helpers who ran the stalls; and to those who supported the event.
The Friends of the Old Church depend upon such fund-raising events and it is heart-warming to live in a Village where so much support can be relied upon.
6th June 2022.
From Jeanette Ashton:

23rd May 2022.
From Sara Sprague:
Many thanks to the “Walesby in Bloom” Team for all their hard work over the last few weeks. The planters have finally been put out today.
A special thanks to Louise Fairburn & John, Jackie Clarke for sponsoring planters and to John Clarke for all his hard work making the wonderful trellises, we hope you all enjoy them.

3rd May 2022.
From Trish Braithwaite on behalf of the Village Hall Committee:
Tom Holt Night
Despite 12 people having to drop out due to illness, I’m pleased to report that the Tom Holt Night was again a great success. 36 people enjoyed good food and danced the night away to numerous popular songs and, after expenses, just over £173 was raised for Village Hall Funds.
Thank you to the group of 6 who cooked the main meals for the night, to those that prepared the Hall, to those that helped with the food and clearing away on the night and to those who ran the very busy bar – we couldn’t run such events without you!
If you came along and would like to see the night repeated, then please let us know.
If you didn’t and would like to see other events held that would attract you more, then please also let us know. We would love to see a lot more residents enjoy time in the Hall.
With best wishes
28th March 2022.
From Merilyn Combes:
A tremendous ‘thank you’ to everyone who supported the Walesby Ukrainian Appeal Evening held on Friday. With your generous donations, we raised nearly £1000 once the money had been Gift Aided (where possible) to the Disaster Emergency Committee. This was a remarkable gesture from the village. Thanks go to all those who helped and supported.
If anyone still wishes to donate to the appeal, please deliver donations to me or contact me – merilyncombes@yahoo.co.uk
5th March 2022.
From Merilyn Combes:
Thank you to everyone from the village who came to support the Claxby Community Choir ‘Musical Moments’ concert on Friday evening in St. Mary’s Church, Walesby. It was lovely to see a full church with such an appreciative audience. The atmosphere in the Village Hall for the supper afterwards was equally as warm and friendly. It was a hugely successful village event and thanks go to all those who helped to make it so, especially the choir’s conductor, Karen Beer.

4th March 2022.
From Jeanette Ashton:
Owl boxes in Walesby.
Following on from a Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust talk by Garry Steele in January 2019, we are fortunate to have been given 2 owl boxes for the village. A barn owl box and another for tawny owls have been installed close to the Ramblers church to encourage roosting and nesting. Thank you to Garry for organising and siting the boxes and to Richard who has donated the boxes as part of a legacy project in the area. The boxes will be monitored and records made of any developments.
Please observe any activity at a safe distance and remember to be mindful of owl habitat and behaviour. I hope we can help to preserve the local populations and to enjoy further sightings in future months.

28th February 2022.
A message from Sara Sprague about Saturday’s litter pick.
A huge huge thank you to everyone who helped with the litter pick today – over 20 Wombles and 32 bags collected 🎉 thank you Joe for picking up the bags 🌟 Carol and Merilyn for doing all the refreshments and to the lovely Slunker & Wu families, Carole, Karl, Alison & Dennis who also helped with the Wombling but not in the picture 👍A fantastic job everyone 🥰 xx

7th February 2022.
From the Parish Council:
The Parish Council has recently received notification of resident concerns with reference to the decision to purchase a Speeding Indicator Device (SID). We have consulted with villagers and the results from the speeding questionnaire clearly showed a wish for such a device. We therefore invite anyone with concerns to approach a parish councillor, to write to the PC clerk or to attend the next PC meeting on 14th March.
We are hopeful of matched funding for this project along with donations from village groups and/or individuals so look forward to working with you to achieve a successful outcome to your speeding concerns.
26th January 2022.
From the Parish Council:
Dear friends and neighbours
It is time to think of getting together for village fun again!
The Queen’s Jubilee weekend takes place 2 – 5 June and will include a series of national events. It would be great for Walesby to be part of the celebrations and we ask for ideas from the village to plan together in the coming months.
We hope at least to light the beacon (Thursday 2nd) and offer a street party/big lunch (Sunday 5th) alongside the rest of the country.
We also have the opportunity to apply for a council grant to pay for a commemorative item for the village, perhaps a bench or village sign (sadly not a SID).
In addition we can apply for free trees to contribute to the Queen’s Green Canopy project. These can be planted in individual gardens or as part of a community project.
If you have a specific idea or want to get involved with organising any of these projects, please contact Jeanette on jashtonpc@btinternet.com
Many thanks.
For further information please visit:
23rd January 2022.
From David Thurman:
Walesby Speeding Issues
At our parish council meeting on 17th January we addressed our agenda for tackling speeding issues in the village.
Our district councillor Cllr Bunney confirmed that he was still pursuing most of our requests, but it would take time.
We also looked at suggestions for a Community Speedwatch Campaign, but decided that that would not be appropriate for us.
We looked again at vehicle activated Speed Indicator signs (SID).
As I have said before they are quite expensive –at least £2500.
We resolved therefore to try to gather enough funding to buy one, possibly to put on Moor Road.
The parish council has slightly increased it precept for next year and it has also started to receive Community Infrastructure Levies from West Lindsey.
The parish council will put up £1000 and we shall apply for grant funding to try to cover the shortfall. We also hope to ask for donations from village groups and individuals to support this project.
Thank you.
David Thurman (Chairman)
14th January 2022.
From Martin and Margaret Warrener:
On behalf of St Mary’s Church, Margaret and Martin wish to thank everyone for the wonderful response to the recent Christmas Food Appeal.
The number of items donated actually set a new record!
The Salvation Army has also sent its grateful thanks and best wishes to you all and Terence Carpenter, the Territorial Envoy for the area, once again stresses how great the need is for these donations and hopes that Walesby can continue with its annual effort.
6th November 2021.
WARNING! Since yesterday’s email about Tanz and Dave’s garage burglary, another neighbour has now said that this week two other properties in Walesby have had the bolts on their shed/store cut although nothing appears to have been taken. They suggest that maybe this is preparation work for another raid, so please be extra cautious.
5th November 2021.
PLEASE BE AWARE. Tanz and Dave in Otby Lane have had their garage burgled during the last 24 hours. It now gets dark much earlier and burglaries usually increase at this time if the year.
This message has also been sent via Walesby Neighbourhood Watch.
3rd October 2021.
A message from Merilyn Combes:
Thank you to everyone who came and supported St Mary’s Church at the ‘Folk and Fun in Walesby’ evening on Friday and for creating such a lively atmosphere. You will be pleased to know that we made £400+ to help support the church.
17th September 2021.
From Judith Sweny:
Walesby Library!
As you know, the old phone box has been our Library for the past few years and I think the system in place has worked well. People borrow a book, usually return it and donate new books as and when.
However, lately piles of books and magazines have been dumped on the floor when the shelves are full and the library is obviously overflowing! These have then to be taken to the charity shop in order that we can open the door and see what books we might like to read.
Please, if the phone box is full, could you possibly take your books to the charity shop?
Many thanks.
30th June 2021.
From Merilyn Combes:
The Walesby PCC (Parochial Church Council) is looking for someone willing to volunteer to take Minutes at their meetings which take place just once every two months. No specific experience is necessary other than the distribution of the Minutes electronically. If you feel you maybe that person please contact Merilyn on merilyncombes@yahoo.co.uk
10th June 2021.
A message from Walesby Parish Council:
We have a Public Right Of Way going across the back of Cliff House in Catskin Lane ending in the hole in the wall on Rasen Road.
There are deer in the field with young. There is a notice to that effect on both gates now.
Last week one of our villagers walking with two dogs on lead was charged three times aggressively by a deer such that he had to retreat.
We would advise anyone walking and intending to use this PROW to be extra careful and perhaps avoid this field for the moment if walking with a dog.
We are seeking advice from the farmer.
5th March 2021.An update from Ann-Marie Whitaker.
Whatever happened to the Whitakers – Chapter 5.5
22nd February 2021.
A message from Steve Buxton, Rasen Road, Walesby.
I am an amateur wildlife photographer photographing wildlife in the Walesby area. Now that spring is in its way I am looking to photograph Barn Owls.
I would like the help of the Walesby residents in identifying suitable locations where owls are sighted. I will of course contact the relevant land owners to gain permission to enter their land. I am more than happy to share any photographs with any interested residents.
I would be very pleased to learn the location, date, time and if known the name of the landowner of any owl sightings.
Steve Buxton —— fr16350@gmail.com
4th February 2021.
A message from Trevor Rudolph.
I have today registered our Village Defibrillator on the “The Circuit” Website.
It is a New Database which in Partnership with British Heart Foundation & East Midlands Ambulance Service links together Defibrillators across the UK connecting them automatically to Every Ambulance Service and allowing them to be more accessible in an Emergency.
I have also installed a New Power Pack and Two sets of Electro Pads which, subject to being used, will not need replacing til August 2023.
The good news on this is that there were sufficient funds still available from Judi’s Fund Raising Walk of 2016, to cover the £115.00 cost. However, that only leaves £5.00 in the kitty for next time or any Maintenance costs going forward.
I’m sure when the time comes, for additional funding, the Village will pull together again for such a worthy cause.
In the mean time Everyone Take Care Stay Safe.
28th January 2021.
An update from Ann-Marie:
Whatever happened to the Whitakers?
5th January 2021.
A message from Martin and Margaret Warrener:
Margaret and Martin have now closed the Christmas/New Year Food Collection for the Salvation Army and delivered the latest donations this morning.
The collection was very successful and raised 280 items which was just more than the total last year.
We met with the Market Rasen Corps Officer, Terence Carpenter, who had actually already sent a thank you letter (attached) and he again wished us to pass on his personal thanks to the Walesby Community for coming together in this way to help the many needy people in the area.
We are also very grateful for your support and wish you all the best in the New Year.
Take care; keep safe.
Many thanks.
Margaret & Martin
12th December 2020.
From Margaret and Martin Warrener regarding the Salvation Army Appeal:
Margaret and Martin want to thank those who have already responded to the Appeal so generously. The donations are beginning to spread out on our Study floor but there is plenty of room for lots more! Please keep them coming!
More information here:
11th December 2020
Ann-Marie Whitaker would like to share her latest update with the village:
11th November 2020.From Ann-Marie Whitaker.
To all those who may be wondering….. Whatever happened to the Whitakers?
Here’s a summary –
28th October 2020
From Paula Starling:
Because of the covid19 situation nationwide the Royal British Legion decided that no House to House or events can take place for the Poppy Appeal this year.
You can still support the Poppy Appeal by donating on-line at
www. britishlegion.org.uk
17th September 2020
From The Revd Chris Hewitt
Dear Walesby Neighbours,
Many of you I know, heard the bells at All Saints(Old) Church ringing on Monday afternoon. This was nothing special just some required maintenance and the repair of some of the wooden ringing mechanism of one of the bells. I say nothing special …… but after 6 months without hearing them at all, I know it was a sound that gladdened the hearts of many of you! Indeed it did mine.
At the moment during the COVID restrictions we can only enter the church at 72 hour intervals, else it has to be cleaned and disinfected. While the grass and other vegetation is still growing in the churchyard, the God’s Acre group who maintain the area need regular access for the mower and other tools. This of course conflicts with the winders of the clock and chiming mechanism. After looking at the situation and in discussion with David Thurman and Peter Braithwaite, I have decided that the God’s Acre group will have full responsible access to the church until 31st October (by which time the growing season is over) transferring that responsibility to the Clock Winding team from the 1st November.
This means that all being well, the clock and chimes will be sounding out again across Walesby from the afternoon of 1st November (All Saints Day which seems appropriate).
To make it a more special occasion, I have arranged that a team of Bell ringers will ring out the bells from 2pm on 1st November to mark the day and also to celebrate another step in the right direction. The clock and chimes will be back in action after the short peel has been rung.
In addition to this we can also let you know that St Mary’s Church which has not been open at all since March, will be reopening from 1-3pm on Sunday 20th September, for a time of quiet private prayer. For those who come along please be aware that full 2m social distancing rules apply inside between households. It is currently the intention to open every third Sunday of the month for private prayer. Currently there are no services planned for St Mary’s Church. However, across our group Tealby has a service of Holy Communion every Thursday morning at 10am and Evening Worship every Sunday at 5pm. Brookenby also has a service of Holy Communion on Sunday at 10am.
Throughout the lockdown period and since the lightening up of the restrictions, we have been streaming acts of Worship on a daily basis. We plan to continue many of these virtual services into the post pandemic world. If you have not joined us, I invite you to do so. Please check out the links on the home page of the Walesby Group of Churches website www.walesbychurches.org
On a personal note from Sunday 20th September I have been asked by Bishop David to take on the additional responsibility of the Barkwith Group of Parishes. This adds another 5 churches and 7 villages to area I serve. These are the villages of Sixhills, Hainton, East and West Torrington and East and West Barkwith. I ask that you keep the villages and myself in your thoughts and prayers as I am put in post at St Mary’s Church East Barkwith this coming Sunday Morning.
May I wish you all well and please keep safe in the days and weeks to come.
Every blessing to you all
Fr chris
19th April 2020

We owe the community a HUGE THANK YOU. Your love and support have been the best medicine in Michael’s recovery. For me it has been the best comfort blanket. Just knowing that aura of love has been enveloping us all, has kept me sane and reassured. My mother-in-law has never experienced a community like ours. As a woman of few words, her praise and appreciation of your support means so much more. Every time something positive happens she says:
“ Well that’s been another gay day!” Not many would get away with saying that, especially during these covid times!!
In the two months since Michael’s stroke, he has learnt to walk again, now without his frame, though with a slight tilt to the left, like a sailor on a listing ship. (His gait is rather like our 18 month grandchild Connie, with a full nappy!!). So he wont be on Strictly anytime soon. Little steps…. One step forward. At the rate he is currently progressing, he’ll soon be twirling me around and throwing me about as-per-normal!
He is in charge of the kitchen (he thinks). Which means he plans and preps the food, then tells me what to do. I then ignore him and do my own thing. Nothing new there. He is the only person I know who loved the hospital food, ate three meals a day AND still lost weight! I think the omission of IPA with each meal helped. He continues to improve daily and, if there is a positive to be found during this corona virus episode, it is this :-
He can’t stress about work because that’s not happening at the moment
He left hospital just before the lockdown so he can continue to recover at home, with us
And more importantly, he can’t go out so the blue job (shopping) has become the pink job (A-M shopping. With a list compiled by Him-Indoors!!)
So life is good. And we are eternally grateful. Thank you all x
Kind Regards
Ann-Marie Whitaker
Walesby Grange, Rasen Road, Walesby, Market Rasen, LN8 3UN
Tel: 07468 453812
Email: annmariearty@yahoo.com
7th March 2020.
A huge thank you to everyone that attended and donated to our “Big Bake” Brain Tumour Charity event this morning, and enjoyed coffee, cake and a little bit of crooning.
So far we have raised a massive £244.29 for The Brain Tumour Charity!
Thank you for everyones support in this lovely village community
Cath, Millie and Maisie
3rd March 2020.
From Trevor Rudolph:
The Light Unit above the Defibrillator Box in the Village Hall Car Park is not working. I will be purchasing a replacement and fitting it as soon as I can get a bit of time. There are some funds left from the Donations made towards Obtaining the Defib, so no additional cost to the Village.
28th February 2020
Due to the adverse weather conditions we have decided to cancel the Annual Litter Pick for tomorrow as we don’t think it will be much fun in driving rain and sleet !! We plan to re schedule it through for a date in March.
March is also when many other litter picks are scheduled across the county as part of the National “Keep Britain Tidy Campaign“ 20th March – 13th April 2020. We will let you know the new date ASAP and keep you updated via our Facebook Page and WhatsApp group: “Walesby Wombles” too. (Please message Sara on 07790015657 if you would like to be added to the WhatsApp group).
Best wishes Sara Sprague and Mandy Ashley.
23rd February 2020.
From Mike and Ann-Marie Whitaker.
(As many of you will know, Mike had a stroke a week ago and is in Lincoln Hospital.)
Mike and Ann-Marie would like to offer their sincere thanks for all the love and kindness that they have received, and for all the help and many acts of support, both large and small, that has been given. They and their family are really touched and very grateful.
Mike is showing some signs of improvement and from now on should be able to see a few visitors, but he does tire very quickly. Therefore if anyone does wish to visit him, would they please contact Ann-Marie first so that she can ensure that visits are coordinated and are not overwhelming for Mike.
19th January 2020.
Adult piano lessons offered by Janet Warmoth (L.R.A.M / A.R.C.M), a qualified piano teacher who studied at the Royal Academy of Music, London.
Beginners welcome. Tel: 07934 073475
Janet has recently moved from Walesby and now resides in Caistor where the lessons will take place.
9th January 2020.
The food donations at St Mary’s Church for the Salvation Army at Christmas was a great success with one of the largest collections ever. A note of thanks was received from the Salvation Army.
30th November 2019.
From Sara Sprague
We are delighted to announce that in addition to our annual village litter pick In February/ March each year, we have now received 10 free sets of litter picking equipment from WLDC for anyone who would like to use them on a regular basis.
Please contact me on: 07790015657 if you would like a set.
Best wishes
Sara Sprague
14th November 2019.
From Paula Starling:
Having totalled all monies received for this year’s Poppy Appeal I am happy to say that the amount is £543.75
I wish to thank you all wholeheartedly for the personal support and once again supporting the Poppy Appeal. Your continuing support means so much to me and our venerable veteran Artie Hawbrook.
Special thanks to Trish and Peter Braithwaite for hosting the Coffee Morning and all those that baked delicious cakes and goodies. The generosity of Walesby always makes me feel thankful for living here.
6th September 2019.
The C2C2C charity cycle ride took place on 27th June 2019 and Walesby Village Hall was one of the main refreshment stations for the cyclists.
Villagers might be interested to know that the event raised around £24,500 for three local charities: Lincs and Notts Air Ambulance; the Louth branch of the NSPCC; and Lincolnshire Downs Syndrome Support Group. What a great result!
Sadly the day was marred as one of the fund-raising cyclists suffered a fatal heart attack during the ride.
The group plan on visiting us again next year on Thursday 2nd July when it will be their 10th Anniversary event.
More details of the charity are here: https://c2c2c.co.uk/about-c2c2c
28th August 2019: Two messages of thanks.
1.From Fay Thurman:
The Friends of the Old Church would like to thank all of those people who generously supported the Coffee Morning and also to those who kindly donated cakes and raffle prizes etc. And not forgetting Carol Magrin who kindly donated a painting of the Old Church which was auctioned. Thank you to Judith and David who made a donation to the Friends from their successful Open Garden. Also thank you to Rector Chris who gave a lovely service at the Old Church on Monday, and the collection was given to the Friends.
(Fay’s coffee morning raised £495.80
2. From Judith Sweny:
The Open Garden at Red House on Sunday raised £330 for Home-Start and The Old Church. A big thank you to all who visited on this very hot day!
Special thanks to everyone who helped in so many ways; Baking scones and cakes, gardening, slaving away in the kitchen etc. etc., making it all possible and enjoyable.
1st August 2019.
Readers might be interested in this well written and illustrated article about a lovely circular walk which encompasses Walesby, Claxby and Normanby:
17th June 2019.
Karen Beer, who lives at Claxby, is now able to offer local music lessons. Her connection to Walesby is strong as her parents, Martin and Margaret Warrener, live in our village.
I am a Graduate of the Royal College of Music with over 35 years’ experience in the music industry and have a PGCE in teaching, a full DBS certificate and Public Liability Insurance.
My lessons are tailored to match the students’ targets. Some choose to learn a broad repertoire for pleasure or follow the examination syllabus and be entered for grade examinations. I also teach GCSE Music performances and A Level Recitals. I work across a range of musical styles: everything from classical music to pop, jazz, and music theatre.
Individual singing, piano or oboe lessons are available now, delivered in a friendly and relaxing music studio at my house.
Karen Beer

14th June 2019
From Trish Braithwaite on behalf of the Friends of the Old Church:
When Ann Marie and Carol said that they wanted to try and raise a thousand pounds for the Old Church by organising the Walesby Royal Variety Performance I was not alone in thinking that they were being a little over optimistic. I am however delighted to be able to tell you that, following a recent generous donation from the bar proceeds and confirmation that no one wishes to claim any expenses I have been able to bank a total sum of £1012 in proceeds from the night.
Many many thanks must go to Ann Marie and Carol and to all the cast, musicians and technicians for their hard work ensuring a sell-out performance and a very good night, to Fay for selling the tickets, to Patti for organising a very profitable raffle, to Natasha for selling ice-creams, to those involved in programme sales, to all those who gave their time and resources to provide the lovely food we all enjoyed and to my little band of helpers who ensured that it was there for you to eat, to those who gave donations of money or time, to the bar volunteers who were required to “work their socks off” on the night and to the folks of Walesby for their ever generous support.
It was clear from the support given that the Old Church holds a special place in the hearts of many and the proceeds raised will be a great help towards the sum needed to pay for the next phase of building work.
29th May 2019
The plant and cake sale on Monday raised the magnificent total of £415 for the Village Hall funds. As well as being a financial success it was enjoyed by all and gave a chance to meet and have a chat over a cup of coffee with people whom you may not see very often.
So a big thank you to those who organised it, the people who donated plants and cakes and to everyone who supported by their attendance.
3rd April 2019
From Arden Deer Farm, Walesby
If you see anyone acting suspiciously in or around the deer fields please do not approach them but ring Tim, the stockman, on 01673 838443. He will deal with it.
2nd March 2019.
From Pat Townsend:
Thanks to all who helped make this year’s litter pick so successful. As well as the many who donated a Saturday morning, I feel I should mention the parish council, who provided the refreshments; the village hall committee for the use of the hall; the stalwart catering team; David M for the trailer provision and William for the towing.
Despite having a larger turnout than usual, we collected only 35 bags of litter, as opposed to the usual average of 60, so we may be making progress.
Thank you again for a brilliant community effort.
(From Joe: And thank you Pat for organising such a successful day once again.)
11th January 2019.
From Terence Carpenter, Corps Leader, Territorial Envoy, The Salvation Army Church, Market Rasen:
I am writing to thank the member’s of St Mary’s Church and the Villagers of Walesby for your generous gift of tinned goods.
Your commitment to supporting The Salvation Army in helping others in the local community is sincerely appreciated.
With the help of people like you we are able to provide better support and living conditions to those families who at this time of the year find it difficult to enjoy the Christmas period.
Wishing you and the community of Walesby a very Happy and Peaceful New Year.
22nd December 2018
From Sara Sprague
Thank you to all those who came and supported our 4th Charity Concert at Walesby village hall. It was very special to share some STARDUST magic with family and friends. We hope to host our next one in July 2019 !! For more information about our Charity please visit our Facebook page: Stardust – Lincoln Or www.every-one.org.uk
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas.
Best wishes

14th December 2018
From Trevor Rudolph – (Sent 8th December 2018):
The Defibrillator sited at village hall has had the Electo Pads & the Battery Power Pack renewed as of today.
There were sufficient funds still available from the donations made back in 2016 to cover the costs.
10th December 2018
The Committee of the Friends of the Old Church, Walesby would like to thank everyone who supported the Carols by Candlelight Service on Saturday evening. This is our main fund-raising event each year and as a result of lots of generous donations we are delighted to be able to bank £744. In addition as a result of gift-aid we will also be able to claim back a further £133-50 from HMRC. Thank you to all who donated cash, time and/or mince pies- it was all very worthwhile!
22nd November 2018
From Walesby Parish Council.
Following our newsletter about road gritting we thought we should explain what the Winter Self Help scheme means.
As a village we receive an extra bag of salt from LCC. The salt can then be accessed at the Village Hall to ensure safe access to the Village Hall and neighbouring roads and pathways, particularly Otby Lane/Moor Road crossroads.
Cllr Thurman will act as snow warden to take and disseminate any news from LCC.
There are a number of other salt bins around the village that are maintained by the LCC – Walesby Hill, Otby Lane, end of Hall Drive, opposite the end of Catskin Lane. The salt in these bins can be used to treat public paths and roads.
20th November 2018.
From Walesby Parish Council.
We have been signing up to the winter self-help program with LCC highways. We thought it useful to remind villagers and in the case of new residents inform that in the event of snow and ice it is Rasen Road through to Walesby Hill that is gritted. Moor Road is not; LCC will only grit one or the other.
Saturday 17th November 2018.
From Merilyn Combes.
A huge ‘thank you’ to everyone who supported the recent Curry Night in the Village Hall. Your generosity meant that we raised over £600 which will help maintain and support St Mary’s Church.
Tuesday 6th November 2018
From David Thurman – Parish Council
Arden Farms have been having problems with wrongdoers and their deer herds.
If you see anything suspicious please contact their stockman Tim Speck on his mobile 07757 907619 preferably by text as his signal at Top Farm is weak.
6th November 2018
From Paula Starling:
I wish to convey my heartfelt thanks to everyone that supported my coffee morning for The Poppy Appeal. We raised between us an amazing £322.15
We were blessed with a beautiful morning and smiling generous people. I’m especially thankful for those that make the delicious scones and cakes and of course my intrepid team of helpers.
Thank you all
Monday 8th October 2018
Walesby Village Hall.
A big thank you to everyone who contributed either items or promises to the auction last week and to those who attended on the night.
It was a great success and raised the magnificent amount of £1360 for the village hall funds. Furthermore the evening was great fun and everyone thoroughly enjoyed it.
Thank you all very much for your support.
1st July 2018
Further information about our new Rector, the Reverend Chris Hewitt, now appears on the Diocese of Lincoln’s website:
(Please note that there is a link on that page that leads to a short biography.)
18th June 2018
Walesby Parochial Church Council is pleased to announce:
The Bishop of Lincoln is pleased to announce the appointment of the Reverend Christopher Hewitt as Rector of the Benefice of the Walesby Group.
The Reverend Christopher Hewitt has recently served as Assistant Curate in the benefice of South Lawres and Barlings.
(Chris and his family will move into the Rectory later in the summer.)
31st May 2018
Re Walesby Village Hall:
The plant and cake sale last weekend raised £320 for the hall funds – a magnificent result.
The committee would like to thank all those who helped to make it so successful, whether by contributing plants or cakes and/or supporting the event on the day.
Thank you.
13th May 2018
From Merilyn Combes:
Thank you to all those many generous people who helped to make the Open Churches weekend at St Mary’s such a success. We had many wonderful compliments from visitors who came from around the County, regarding the magnificent displays of hats and flowers and the arts and crafts that residents displayed. Our visitors enjoyed the refreshments and bought cakes and cookies to take away. We also had our ‘moment of fame’ on Sunday morning when we were part of the Radio Lincolnshire Pirate Gold Treasure Hunt as Clue No 2.
Our Treasurer has been busy counting the donations and it looks as though the church will benefit to around £250. Once again, on behalf of Walesby Parochial Church Council, thank you to everyone.
5th March 2018
From the Parochial Church Council:
A huge thank you to everyone who participated in the Host Supper at the Village Hall on Friday evening and the wonderful atmosphere that was created. St Mary’s Church will have benefitted from your generosity with a figure of just over £800. Despite the weather and power cuts going against us, Walesby proved itself to be willing to overcome all that and enjoy a true village event.
Once again, thank you. Merilyn – Churchwarden
25th February 2018
Annual Litter Pick – A message of thanks from Pat Townsend:
Another very successful litter pick, blessed by good weather. I am so grateful to the stalwarts who help every year.
28th December 2017
The Food Bank Collection in the porch of St Mary’s has now received a staggering 200 donations. Margaret and Martin Warrener who have so ably managed this project, will keep the donation boxes available until the New Year. The Salvation Army who receive the goods on our behalf, are sincerely grateful for your generosity. Thank you everyone.
Merilyn Combes
13th November 2017
We are pleased to say that Revd Chris Hewitt, a Curate at Cherry Willingham, is coming to the Walesby Group of Churches for four months to help us out with services whilst we are without a Rector.
Chris wants to experience rural ministry and so will be able to do that amongst our 10 churches. He will continue to live at Fiskerton during this placement and travel daily to the parishes.
Merilyn Combes
12th November 2017
It is with great sadness that Joy Babington has let us know of the death last Monday of Revd Canon Gervase Babington who was Rector of the Walesby Group, retiring from here in 1995. Gervase was 87 and died peacefully in Lincoln hospital after a short illness.
A service of thanksgiving for his life will be held at 1.30pm on 1st December at St Nicholas Church, Newport Lincoln.
Merilyn Combes
28th October 2017
A message from Paula Starling:
I wish to thank wholeheartedly those that supported my Poppy Appeal coffee morning. The coffee morning raised £232, and door to door raised £218, giving a total of £450.
I wish to thank the village for their support and especially the generosity of my team who help with time and scrumptious cakes.

25th October 2017
For those of you who will remember Canon Gervase and Joy Babington who lived and worked here as Rector in Walesby, Joy would like you to know that Gervase is very poorly and is currently in Lincoln Hospital. She asks that as many people as possible pray for Gervase. The one thing Joy really hopes for is that Gervase will become strong enough for the doctors to let him come home for her to nurse him.
Merilyn Combes
22nd August 2017
From Judith Sweny: Walesby Phone Box.
The library in the phone box seems to be going well and being enjoyed by many. However, the number of books to borrow appear to be on the decline! This seems to indicate that the library is such a success that the books are being kept by their readers!
Please could we ensure that we return them and, of course, additions are always welcome.
Many thanks and happy reading ….
10th July 2017
From Kathy Jago:
If anyone who supported Darcie wants to see where their funds went, there’s a link on YouTube to last night’s concert.
By the way, the little trumpet she is playing in the first piece is a piccolo trumpet – it’s not that it shrunk en route!
(From Joe: Further details about Darcie’s trip appear below, dated 20th March 2017.)
2nd June 2017
From Darcie Jago:
Dear all,
I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported me in my journey to Washington D.C. Whether you came to my talk on Tuesday evening, have passed on kind words through my parents or have given me donations, the support has been overwhelming and words cannot express how truly grateful I am.
So thank you once again and I look forward to telling you all about it on my return!
20th March 2017
From Darcie Jago:
Many of you may remember me nearly 9 years ago, standing nervously at the back of the church waiting to play the Last Post on Remembrance Sunday, my trumpet debut. Since then I have played in many groups at many venues, and was recently offered a place with a scholarship to study with the National Symphony Orchestra (NSO) in Washington DC from June 26-July 24. I am now seeking funds to help to pay for my flight, which is not covered by the scholarship.
The NSO Summer Music Institute involves spending a month working with members of the NSO and having individually taught lessons, master-classes and chamber music sessions, side-by-side rehearsals with the NSO and playing in concerts in the Kennedy Centre and other venues around the capital.
I have set up a ‘gofundme’ page with the link below and I would be so grateful if you would be able to donate anything towards my cause, even just £1 would help.
I will be home at Easter and would be very pleased to talk to you about this opportunity and answer any questions you may have.
Thank you very much.
Darcie Jago

2nd March 2017
From Jan van der Lubbe:
We did it, we went well over the £3000 target and walesby village is part of the reason why. Thank you for putting on the night and spread the word.
Cheers, Jan
27th February 2017
From Pat Townsend about the litter pick:
Despite senior moments of confusion on my behalf, this year’s litter pick was, again, very successful. In all, almost 40 people gave up their Saturday morning to help. I am amazed that a community can turn such a horrible job into fun – almost! We feel there was slightly less rubbish this year, though, obviously, the pick was necessary and everywhere looks beautifully clean now, for a few days, at least.
Huge thank yous to you all, especially to our catering team and to the parish council, who, this year, funded the refreshments.
25th January 2017
A message from Merilyn Combes. – A thank you to Walesby:
We are pleased to report that the church organ at St Mary’s has been undergoing long awaited repair and refurbishment work and has therefore been out of operation for several weeks. The money raised from the ‘Bellows Bonanza’ musical evening has gone towards these repairs together with other church funds. We are looking forward to hearing the organ play to full volume in the near future, once the new bellows have ‘bedded in’.
If anyone would still like to contribute towards this refurbishment, it’s not too late and any donations would be most welcome and can be given to either the Rector, John Carr or the Treasurer, David Thurman.
Thank you all for your generosity in making this work possible.
Merilyn Combes
10th December 2016
From Peter Braithwaite:
On behalf of the Friends of the Old Church I would like to say a big “Thank you” to all the people who helped in so many different ways with last Saturday’s Carol Service – putting out the floodlights and providing the electricity, setting up the church, acting as stewards or marshalls on the night, preparing and serving the mince pies, coffee and mulled wine and (last but not least) clearing up and cleaning the church afterwards. Despite the weather the service was very well attended and I’m sure enjoyed by everyone. It was a memorable occasion for John’s last carol service at the Old Church.
You will also be pleased to know that the collection raised the magnificent sum of over £800, with gift aid of approximately £110 to be claimed on top of that!
However we do not want to rest on our laurels so if anyone has suggestions of any ways in which the service might be improved in the future, do please tell us. We will be having a committee meeting early in the New Year.
Thank you once again.
Peter Braithwaite (01673 838352)
28th November 2016
From Paula Starling:
A huge thank you for supporting the 2016 Poppy Appeal. Together we raised a massive £600.85.
Your generous support will be an enormous help to our modern veterans, Service men, women and their families.
Thank you.
28th November 2016
Bernie Henry has created a nice seasonal tribute to the Reverend Canon John Carr.
6th November 2016
Here are copies of the replies from the Queen to Merilyn’s letter detailing Walesby’s celebrations of the Queen’s birthday.
8th July 2016
A new wooden bench has been installed by the roadside just at the entrance to Hall Drive. It was organised by Walesby villagers in commemoration of the Queen’s 90th birthday, and was funded by Community Lincs.

2nd July 2016
Defibrillator training.
A number of people expressed an interest in attending the first defibrillator training session held on the 22nd June, but were unable to attend due to holiday/work commitments and suchlike. Trevor has now organised another session which will be held on Thursday 18th August 2016, 6.00pm at the Village Hall. It is an excellent course that also includes CPR. It lasts approximately two hours.
If anyone would like to attend this valuable course, would they please contact Trevor on 01673 838809 or trevor.rudolph@sky.com
Preparing for defib training
Photo by Geoff Freeman
28th June 2016
A defibrillator in a locked cabinet has now been fitted to the Village Hall facing the car park. The cabinet can be opened with a key code issued by the Ambulance Service during a 999 call.
All persons who attended the first group training session have been advised of the key code. A second group training session is to be arranged very soon.
The equipment has been donated by family & friends of Judi & Trevor Rudolph in memory of their late son Jason.
The funds were raised by the efforts of Judi, and Lyn & Chris Hall in their London Moonwalk which took place on 14th May.
Defibrillator unit at Walesby village hall

16th March 2016
The Walesby Library is now open in the village telephone box!
Please feel free to borrow or donate books.
Many thanks to David Milles and Judith Sweny.

11th March 2016
Further Clean for the Queen information.
A very nice letter of congratulations to Walesby has been received from Councillor Angela Lawrence, Chairman of the West Lindsey District Council. See the document here:
20th February 2016
Walesby ‘Clean for the Queen’ Litter Pick

Pat Townsend, our Litter Pick Organiser, has written the following note:
Walesby has organised an annual litter pick for more than 10 years, but this year we are more than happy to “Clean for the Queen”.
Our litter pick is truly a communal affair. We have 30 or so volunteers, of all ages, taking part. We use the village hall free of charge; Michael and Paul collect and return the filled bags to the village hall from a radius of 5 miles; Patti, Fay, Freda and Brian prepare and serve hot dogs and hot drinks as the pickers finish; Joe is in charge of advertising and the rest of us “get down and dirty”, regularly filling a minimum of 60 bags – supplied along with pickers and vests by WLDC.
We all live in hope that one day this will not be necessary, but, in the meantime, gladly keep the roads to our village tidy.

12th December 2015
From Merilyn Combes:
Merilyn would like to pass on thanks to the people of Walesby and their friends, who helped raise a massive £929 at the ‘Bellows Bonanza’ held on 27 November. Thanks go to everyone who took part or came to enjoy the entertainment. We had a target of £1000 to help replace the bellows of the St Mary’s Church organ so we very nearly made it!
13th November 2015
From Paula Starling:
Thank you to everyone who helped with or contributed to the Walesby Poppy Appeal. A total of £619.08 was raised. I couldn’t have done it without the help of my team!
27th October 2015
The following good news has come from Liz Carr:
Revd John Carr to become Canon of Lincoln Cathedral:
Last week John was invited to become a Canon of Lincoln Cathedral. This is an honour bestowed upon those whom the Bishop of Lincoln, values and trusts. This means that John will have his own seat in the Cathedral and will be expected to preach there occasionally, he will also be known as Canon Carr! We will not be leaving the parish, until he retires, so no obvious changes apart from a blue cassock instead of black.
22nd October 2015
A Walesby Christmas Carol.
The following link features an original composition of a Christmas carol by Brian Windle, sung by him with the backing of Walesby children.
The video was put together by Bernie Henry and it features Walesby churches. I think that they have both done an excellent job. Well done!
1st July 2015
Friends of the Old Church, Walesby:
At the recent AGM of the Friends Colin Lesser resigned as Treasurer. He has done an excellent job as Treasure for many years and has made a great contribution to the work of the Friends. We thank him very much for all his work and are sorry to lose him but we now need to find a new Treasurer.
The Old church dates back to Norman times and is a grade 1 listed building which is unusual for a parish church – such status usually being reserved for buildings such as Cathedrals etc. Quite apart from this, it is a building which is much loved and much visited by very many people of all faiths, with over 500 entries in the Visitors Book in the last 12 months. The repair and upkeep of the church is therefore vital and the role of the Friends, which is a registered charity, is to assist the PCC in this.
If there is anyone who would be interested in becoming our Treasurer we would be most pleased to hear from you. Clearly we are very happy to explain more about the Friends and the job of Treasurer before anyone commits themself.
Please contact either me (838352) or our Secretary, Fay Thurman, (838428).
Peter Braithwaite – Chairman
28th February 2015
From Pat Townsend about this morning’s litter pick (Sat 28th Feb):
To everyone who made the morning such a success – only Walesby could make such a horrible job fun! Thanks.
23rd December 2014
From The Rev John Carr:
A big thank you to all those who gave so generously to our food appeal, helping the most vulnerable in our society.
Martin and Margaret have delivered 194 items, donated at St Mary’s, to the Salvation Army.
They are thrilled with them and send their thanks.
With my best wishes
Rev John
P.S. We also raised £125.56 in the collection on Christmas Day for the Children’s Society.
24th November 2014
A message from Paula Starling: Poppy Appeal
Thank you all so much for supporting the Poppy Appeal. Together we raised a massive £645.80!
12th October 2014
From Liz Carr:
Following the death of Mac, our Chairperson, the heart has gone out of Walesby Village society. Mac really was the glue that kept us all going. Therefore the meeting scheduled for 16th October will no longer go ahead and the Village Society will fold.
The constitution makes provision in the event of this happening. Once any outstanding payments have been made any surplus finances will go to the village church and any equipment will be donated to the Village Hall for future use by them.
It has been suggested that we might like to continue as a very informal heritage group building on the success of the Walesby Test Pit dig held this summer with the support of Down your Wold. If anything shows promise you will hear about it here.
Many thanks to everyone for their support over the years, both past and present. – we ran for 21 years with a huge range of speakers!
Best wishes
Liz Carr, Treasurer
9th May 2014
The results of the Water Aid Lent Appeal from Paula Starling:
Water is the essence of life. Water Aid’s mission is to overcome poverty by enabling the world’s poorest people to gain access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene education. www.wateraid.org
A huge thank you to all who sponsored Darcie to run 40 miles in 40 days for Lent. She raised £170 due to your generosity and her dedication.
Thank you also who collected in their Jars for Change which brings the grand total to £217.97