All Government Covid-19 information can be found here:
5th January 2021. — A message from Sara Sprague:
Hi everyone,
Following the announcement from Boris last night we thought we would try and flip the negativity by doing a few things to give us a smile and bring some cheer over the next few weeks:
1. Placing a candle in our windows or a light/ lantern on our drives to show we are all in this together xx (lit at anytime to suit you)
2. Planting up a bowl/ pot for a window / driveway/ wall with daffodils 🌼 and spring bulbs for us all to enjoy on our walks ( hopefully they might be in bloom at the end of lockdown ( perhaps we can then change them as the year goes on ?)
Please let us know if we can help in anyway with shopping, post, medication collections or perhaps a friendly phone call. Contacts are :
Sara Sprague 07790015657
Jeanette Ashton
Mandy Ashley
Trish Braithwaite
Clare Herring
Kathy Jago
Anouska Peckett
Judith Sweny
David Thurman
We also have our WhatsApp and Facebook groups for daily updates – please contact Sara for further information xx
Best wishes
Walesby Support Group
16th November 2020. — A message from Sara.
Please follow the links below to see the updated list of local businesses providing online/bespoke orders and also information about our WALESBY WINDOW ADVENT CALENDAR
Or contact Sara on: 07790015657/ Sara.sprague@icloud.com
11th November 2020. A message from Sara:
Dear Friends and Neighbours,
Here is our latest update
You will know, we set up a village support group back in March 2020. Lead by: Sara Sprague, Cllr Jeanette Ashton and Cllr David Thurman.
We also created an emergency “Support chain” to ensure everyone had a person they could contact should they require any help with shopping, post or collecting medications.
As we have gone back down into the 2nd Lockdown we have developed the support group into a Parish Council Steering Group so that more people can help, especially with the “Support phone chain” enabling each person to only have a few people to contact in the case of emergencies. The 9 coordinators are now:
Cllr Mandy Ashley
Cllr Jeanette Ashton
Trish Braithwaite
Clare Herring
Kathy Jago
Anouska Peckett
Sara Sprague
Cllr Judith Sweny
Cllr David Thurman.
Hopefully you will now have their numbers so you can call them should you have any questions or need any help. We also have over 20 people in the village volunteering to be “Helping Heroes”, so we have plenty of people ready to help you at any time 🙂
Should you be shielding, become poorly with Coronavirus or are required to isolate for 14 days, please do contact us so that we can support you in any way we can. Please also be reassured that in accordance with our GDPR Data Protection, Health & Safety/ Emergency policies, your data and personal information will remain confidential unless you give permission to share it.
To keep you updated with any daily news we have a:
- WhatsApp group ( Please contact Sara Sprague on 07790015657 to be added)
- “Closed Faceboook Page – Walesby Village Support Page” (just click the link to join )
- Newsletters sent out by Joe from his new Village website (please email Joe on: joe@walesbyvillage.uk if you are not receiving these)
- “Walesby Support group” Page set up on Joe’s Website: www.walesbyvillage.uk
- Information displayed on the Parish Council and Village Hall notice boards.
Best wishes from us all,
Walesby Support Group
6th November 2020.
A message from Sara:
The Pumpkin trail last weekend was a huge success, think we had over 20 around the village ✨🎃✨the children loved the sweeties that were kindly left too, thank you 😋
Best wishes Sara 🙂(Walesby Support Group)

31st October 2020.
A message from Sara.
Walesby COVID-19 update.
Hello everyone, we hope you are all keeping safe and well and that this email brings you up to date with our ongoing support in the village during these ever changing times.
We are also now posting most days on our “Coronavirus Updates” group to ensure you are kept up to date with information from the government. We also have a social WhatsApp group too. Please send a text to Sara Sprague if you would like to be added to either groups: 07790015657
As you may know Grimsby has now gone into Tier 2 and seen as a “high area” so your NHS app may now be reading medium/ high.
We also wanted to confirm that we have a couple of confirmed cases of COVID – 19 In the village. They have seen very few people over the past 2 weeks, so clearly it is very easy to pick up.
It is also looking likely we could go back into a National Lockdown but we still have our “Helping Heroes” ready to help with any shopping, collecting of medications or other essential items should you need any help over the coming weeks.
Our support team are also available at any time should you have any questions.
Very best wishes from us all,
Walesby Support Group
31st March 2020.
From Fr Chris Hewitt:
Dear Friends and Neighbours,
How Your Local Church Can Support You in these Uncertain Times
During the current crisis we are obeying government advice in closing and locking our churches. This does not however mean that the church is inactive during this period, and indeed many members of our churches have been very proactive in organising community networks and we are working closely with all the emergency planning activities currently underway in our villages.
During this difficult period, however, it is not just physical and practical help that we need, we also need to be aware of our mental and spiritual health. Therefore we are offering ‘Pastoral Support’ and providing an avenue for ‘Prayer Requests’ for all residents of the Walesby Group of Parishes — That is the Villages of Brookenby, Claxby, Croxby, Kirmond le Mire, North Willingham, Normanby le Wold, Stainton le Vale, Tealby, Thoresway and Walesby.
Pastoral Support can be carried out by phone, so just let us know if you or someone you know who would like a phone call (for whatever reason), especially those who are feeling lonely at this time. We also invite anyone who would like prayers offered by the clergy for a particular person or situation to contact us. These prayers will be included in clergy daily prayers and not publicised, but please do ask permission first before passing someone’s details on.
Revd Elaine Turner is coordinating ‘Pastoral Support’ and ‘Prayer Requests’ across all out villages and is the first point of contact at this time. Her contact details are below.
We are also broadcasting locally via the internet a Daily Service. Access to the service is via the links available on the ‘Home Page’ of our church website: www.walesbychurches.org
If you go to our home page you will see a links to the services that will take you to a window in Youtube. Nothing to download!
Daily Morning Prayer is at 8.30am Monday to Saturday. We celebrate a service of Holy Communion at 10am on Sunday. For many this can be a good and comforting start to what can be a long day! and many are already joining in.
If we can help you in any way please do not hesitate to contact either of us or any member of your local church who will contact us on your behalf.
Every blessing
Fr Chris & Revd Elaine
Our contact details:
Fr Chris Hewitt, Rector 01673 83838 chris.hewitt@lincoln.anglican.org
Revd Elaine Turner 01673 828142 elaine.turner958@gmail.com
27th March 2020.
From Walesby Parish Council.
Dear friends and neighbours,
Thank you so much for all your kindness and support over the past few weeks.
You will know now, we have set up a “Support Line” to ensure everyone in the village gets the help and support they need. Our 5 coordinators are:
David Thurman
Mandy Ashley
Jeanette Ashton
Sara Sprague
Judith Sweny.
Hopefully you will now have their numbers so you can call them should you have any questions or need any help with shopping, post or collecting medications and with over 30 people in the village volunteering to be “Helping Heroes”, we have plenty of people ready to help you at anytime.
We will also have seen from the leaflet last week, that we are working with The Tealby Emergency Committee. The group is now going to include the outlying villages of:
Stainton Le Vale
Kirmond Le Mire
We have therefore created 3 hubs: Walesby, Tealby and the 4 villages listed above. Jeanette Ashton and Sara Sprague are leading the one for Walesby. So should you have any questions over the coming weeks, please call us or send an email to: walesbypc@outlook.com rather than: tealby@thisistealby.com Sorry for any confusion.
Regarding repeat prescriptions, you can order them on line by simply emailing Market Rasen Surgery with a copy of either Your:
Birth certificate
Passport or
Driving license
To: LECCG.MarketRasenSurgery@nhs.net
They will then send you a log in ID and password
They are also delivering medications for those over 70 or at high risk, if you have them dispensed by the surgery OR someone can collect them for you, they will just need your:
We hope this provides you with some valuable information and reassures you that you are not alone . There is lots of help & support there for you at anytime.
Kind regards,
Walesby Parish Council.
26th March 2020.
From the Revd Fr Chris Hewitt:
Dear Walesby Residents,
You will of course be aware that the Church of England along with all other religious organisations have been instructed by HM Govt to close with immediate effect all Church buildings. To effect this nationally all buildings are required to be locked and unavailable for public or private use. As Rector I am also unable to offer prayer or find time of reflection in any of my Churches.
In Walesby both St Mary’s in the Village and the All Saints ( the old church) on the hill are now locked and are not to be accessed while the COVID 19 restrictions are in place.
One result of this that all of you may notice is the lack of clock chimes from the Old Church. To ensure the clock mechanism is not damaged by allowing it to fully unwind, we stopped the clock just before 2pm today. I apologise for this but the clock winders are not allowed on site to rewind it.
Please keep safe in these very difficult times.
Fr Chris