Walesby Neighbourhood Watch has been operating for over 25 years. We currently have 63 members representing more than 50% of the households in Walesby Parish (which includes Risby & Otby). Neighbourhood Watch aims to help people protect themselves and their property, to reduce the fear of crime and improve the local environment. Close liaison between community members, the local police and local councillors helps to achieve this.
Walesby has a team of 4 co-ordinators. We consider our prime role is to foster community spirit. Being alert and promptly reporting any suspicious activity is crucial. Also, keeping watch over those who may need help if bad weather or illness is a problem. We make sure everyone, especially new residents, are aware of village events, activities and organisations so they feel welcome to join in. Lots of this information appears here on this website, and residents are encouraged to sign up for emailed information about village events. See the ‘Email Alerts’ page on this site for details.
Neighbourhood Watch members can get safety & security information from the local police via the Lincolnshire Alert Community Messaging Service. Members can opt to receive alerts by email, SMS Text or telephone. Walesby’s Lead Co-ordinator can also send messages to scheme members about local incidents and concerns.
Walesby has a low crime frequency, partly due to its Neighbourhood Watch members and co-ordinators being vigilant. Suspicious activity and vehicle registrations are noted and reported usually using the police 101 phone number. The local police team has responded promptly to information about cold calling in the village.
The Lincolnshire Police website is:
If you want to join Walesby’s Neighbourhood Watch, seek advice or request free window stickers, please email who will forward your request to the appropriate coordinator.