14th July 2021.
A message from David Thurman:
God’s Acre Group
Are you interested in wildlife? Do you enjoy visits to the Old Church with its rich heritage, peaceful surroundings and amazing views?
We are a small group of volunteers who manage the churchyard to encourage wildlife, following the principles of God’s Acre, with support of the PCC and the Parish Council . We are hoping to recruit new members who can help with the strimming, mowing, raking and barrowing as the season progresses. We try to work flexibly to suit work and family commitments and welcome all ages. Can you offer a few hours to support this work and keep the churchyard a well cared for and special place?
For further details, ring or email David 838428 david.thurman@btinternet.com
or Jeanette 838069 jeanettemanby@btinternet.com
25th February 2021.
God’s Acre Group Volunteers
The God’s Acre Group was founded 6 years ago to tend the Churchyard at the Old Church using God’s Acre principles.
Basically by mowing, strimming and raking we nurture wild flowers and meadow grasses for our benefit and the benefit of wildlife, insects etc. and we try to eradicate weeds.
This is achieved by a systematic programme depending upon which part of the churchyard we are tending to.
The work is done by whoever wishes to help at that time- most of the work is done in 2s and 3s- we have experts in strimming, experts in raking and barrowing, experts in mowing.
Basically the way it works is that I have an email list of potential workers. When we establish there is work to be done the call goes out asking who would like to help. Generally in the season it is only necessary for a weekly one hour session at mowing and strimming . Raking and barrowing is done at will by whoever feels like fresh air and a bit of exercise.
As you can see it is very informal but between us we have got the churchyard into a good state.
If you would like to be on the email list and you are not already contact me on david.thurman@btinternet.com
Regards David Thurman
4th November 2020.
We have finished up at the Old Church for the year apart from maybe some hedge pruning. That was scheduled to take place in November but is now on hold.
I would like to thank all the helpers for the work they have put in. Some of the work is quite heavy.
I would also like to say a special thank you to Geoff and Jackie who ever since the beginning have contributed immensely both with physical work and guidance on how to tend the churchyard under God’s Acre principles. Sadly they will probably have moved by the time of the next season and they will be sadly missed.
With the first lockdown the season did not start well but thanks to Chris Hewitt’s good offices we were able to access our mower although the church was officially closed and have finished the year with the churchyard in good order.
David Thurman
More information about Walesby’s God’s Acre can be found here:
God’s Acre information – 11th September 2019

The above photo shows seating below the tower with views to the west across the wild flower meadow towards the distant Trent valley and Lincoln Cathedral.
Walesby’s Parochial Church Council cooperate with a team of around 12 volunteers to develop the ancient churchyard as a haven for wildlife
Guidelines published by the charity ‘Caring for God’s Acre’ are used to create a wildflower meadow meeting the needs of butterflies & insects, birds & small mammals, visitors and the local community.
The ‘God’s Acre’ approach was adopted in autumn 2014. Previously, the focus was to provide a comfortable area for visitors by frequent mowing and installing new bench seats, noticeboard and gates. New hedging was also planted along boundaries to the east and west.
Timing of grass cutting has been the main change required. Having identified the wildflowers present, it was possible to devise a management plan which differentiated between spring and summer flowering. This ensured the emerging plants were not damaged prior to flowering; then allowed time for seed to set and ripen before cutting. Hopefully, we’ll see increasing populations of snowdrops, violets, celandine, ground ivy and bluebells in the spring flowering area. In the summer flowering sections, we’ll be looking for more knapweed, lady’s bedstraw and star of Bethlehem.
Competition from invasive plant species has to be controlled by repeat cutting of vigorous grasses, hogweed, nettles and docks.
However, nettles and thistles are allowed to grow near the perimeter as they support butterflies, bees, other insects and small mammals. Raking and removal of grass following mowing and strimming help to reduce soil fertility and encourage meadow species.
Newly planted hedging has been ‘weeded’ and pruned to encourage healthy growth.
Because work in the churchyard is triggered for each area according to the growth stage of plants and the time of year, the workload requires only 2 – 3 people for 1 – 2 hours at any one time. The convenor sends emails to the list of volunteers to keep them informed of jobs to be done. Sometimes, individuals with a particular skill or preference will be contacted to check their availability.
If you would like to be one of the volunteers or show your interest in ‘Caring for God’s Acre’ in Walesby’s old churchyard, please talk to David Thurman (convenor) or via this website by emailing joe@walesbyvillage.uk
The following photos show 6 of the volunteers working on the plot.