Walesby Village Hall, Otby Lane, Walesby, Lincolnshire, LN8 3UT
Walesby Village Hall has its own car park and has full disabled access and toilet facilities.
The hall is now available for events again providing the latest Covid regulations are followed.
We have implemented some thorough Covid cleaning routines including sanitiser stations, fogging machines and suchlike.
Also see the Walesby Club web page for details of any future club events at the hall.
Village Hall 100 Club winners:
April 2022 – 1st Peter Braithwaite (Walesby Hill) – 2nd Ian Taylor
May 2022 – 1st Prize Margaret Taylor – 2nd Prize Bill Bates
June 2022 – 1st Prize Donna Timmins — 2nd Prize Paul Taylor
Feb 2024 – 1st prize Angela Moulton — 2nd prize Paul Edwards
Walesby Village Hall was built in 1988, replacing an ex-army wooden hut. Its position in the centre of the village helps to provide a focal point for the community. The adjacent small car park has information about local walks making it a popular meeting point for ramblers using the Viking way which runs through the village.
During recent years an improvement programme has included the installation of gas fired central heating, double glazing, and kitchen and bar refurbishment. Disabled access has been improved and a fully fitted disabled toilet has been installed which also includes baby changing facilities.
Walesby Village Hall is a registered charity aiming “To maintain the hall for the use and benefit of all residents of the parish and also available for hire by people living in neighbouring parishes”.
The village hall committee organise a number of events to raise funds and promote an active social life within the community. These include themed evenings such as an Irish Night, Italian Night, Burns Supper and Quizes. They also host a group of amateur dramatic enthusiasts who usually produce an annual show. In recent years, performances based on popular comedies have become important fundraisers for the hall. There is also a 100 Club (£12 per annum) with a monthly draw for prizes.
The Walesby Club hires the hall and opens the bar for members and their guests every Tuesday and Saturday evening. Other principal hirers of the hall are The Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust – Market Rasen Area Group; All Saints Ramblers Church – AGM; St Mary’s Church events; Walesby Parish Council; a weekly Pilates class.
For bookings or other information, please enquire via: joe@walesbyvillage.uk
12th December 2020 – From Peter Braithwaite:
Many of you will already know that both Mike and Ann-Marie Whitaker and Geoff and Jackie Freeman have agreed sales of their houses in Walesby and will be moving to pastures new.
Mike and Jackie have been stalwarts of both the Village Hall and Social Club for many years – Mike as Chairman of the Village Hall and Treasurer of the Social Club and Jackie as Secretary of both of them in which role she has managed Mike and the rest of us with good humour and great efficiency. We are extremely sorry that both of them have resigned due to their intended moves.
Ann-Marie has used her extensive artistic talents to design and produce costumes, props and scenery for our stage productions as well as taking leading roles in many of them. Geoff has looked after the bar and cellar (including ensuring the quality of the draft beer is up to scratch!), as well as using his video and sound recording equipment to support stage productions and other functions. Also Jackie and Geoff have together acted as unofficial (and unpaid) caretakers . What will we do without them?
We will miss all of them and it is a great pity that because of Covid we cannot hold a fitting event to say goodbye. However they will leave with our heartfelt thanks for all they have contributed to the village while they have lived here and our very best wishes for their future health and happiness.
Following the resignations of Mike and Jackie the new officers are –
Village Hall:
Chairman — Peter Braithwaite
Secretary — Sue Fernyhough
Treasurer — Trish Braithwaite
Booking Secretary — Joe Magrin
Social Club:
Chairman — Richard Strawson
Secretary — Sally Wilson
Treasurer — Kay Strawson
Membership Secretary — Jeanette Ashton
Maddie Munro has kindly agreed to join the Village Hall Committee and has been co-opted on to it.